Theory of Racelessness

Hold My Drink Podcast
4 min readNov 18, 2021


Hold my Drink Podcast Blog, Episode 56

Theory of Racelessness: A Case for Antirace(ism)

By Sheena Mason, Ph.D.

The “theory of racelessness” reflects two alternative philosophical positions of race that are uncommonly taught and even less understood: skepticism and eliminativism. In profound ways, the theory is a call for antirace(ism), a simultaneous reflection of the call for the abolition of race to undo racism (i.e., eliminativism) and the recognition that human beings are already raceless (i.e., skepticism). It is a call for the truth in all its richness, pertaining to the persistence of race and its corresponding -ism in the United States. The thing called “race” does not exist, but people imagine it does. In that way, “race” needs to be abolished. The act of abolition from a skeptical position, though, is the radical act of acknowledging one’s racelessness, one’s existence outside the bounds of race(ism), one’s rejection of a nonsensical means of subjugation and elevation that has no positive or forward-moving value even if it has had practical utility for various groups across time and place.

The theory of racelessness helps people recognize and imagine themselves outside of race(ism). I operate from a skeptical eliminativist philosophical position that enables me to help people see themselves and others more clearly. The theory also helps people become more astute in the recognition and solving of race(ism). Importantly, the theory’s core is bringing our shared humanity to the forefront in ways that the presence or insertion of “race” ideology precludes. Together, we can do anything, including uphold race(ism). But we can also reconcile, heal, and resolve the problem too.

One question remains: Am I “black?”

Whether you insist on placing me on the hierarchy or not, I choose to embrace my racelessness. And who are you to tell me who I am?

In the Hold my Drink — navigating culture with a chaser of civility, and Counterweight podcast, Episode 56, we speak to Dr. Sheena Mason, the Founder of the Theory of Racelessness. By continuing to label people and stuff them into different racial categories or boxes, Sheena argues that we are perpetuating racism. While there may be different cultures and ethnicities, race doesn’t exist. Until we recognize that conflating ethnicity and culture with race is a false equivalence, we will forever be in a cycle of race(ism). She suggests that the way out of this is to imagine a new identity that accepts all our differences, our complexities, our history — that we see each other as Americans. All discussed with a chaser of civility, of course, and a peanut butter cup whiskey coffee.

Hold my Drink welcomes all people with all kinds of beverages to join us as we explore the truths of a chaotic and beautiful world, together.

Find us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or watch the conversation unfold on YouTube, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

What Sheena is reading:

From Memphis & Peking & Sally Hemings, Barbara Chase-Riboud

The Albino (the sculpture), Barbara Chase-Riboud

Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life, Barbara and Karen Fields

“Recitatif”, Toni Morrison

What is Race? Four Philosophical Views, Joshua Glasgow

Americanah, Chimamanda Adichie

What Jen is reading:

The Temptations of Tyranny, Quillette, Peter Hughes

The Polarization Spiral, Persuasion, Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff

Hating the Hateful, Persuasion, Irshad Manji

…and listening to…

Munk Dialogues: A Conversation with Irshad Manji

In May 2021, Sheena earned her Ph.D. “with distinction” from Howard University in Washington, DC. She joined the faculty at SUNY Oneonta in Oneonta, NY, in August 2021, as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in African American literature. Her forthcoming book Decolonizing the Raci(al/st) Imagination in Literary Studies: An Interrogation and Critique of Antiracist Discourse (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) presents a skeptical eliminativist philosophy of race and racism that results in her signature “theory of racelessness.” According to reviewers, her book is significant for many reasons. First, it is the first book in literary theory to track the genealogy of philosophies of race as held by prominent African Americans within a single book, even as it brings to the surface the lesser-known philosophies of racial skepticism and racial eliminativism. Second, it illuminates the practical application of alternative philosophies to reach better and more nuanced understandings of African American literature and philosophy and American society. Third, the theory of racelessness reverberates from literary studies and philosophy to virtually every other discipline, industry, and practice.

You can find out more about her here:

Website: Theory of Racelessness


Twitter: @Racelessness

